How Detachers Break Anti-Shoplifting Tags

The development of anti-theft equipment has led to incredible competition among manufacturers and a variety of security protection devices. The first anti-shoplifting tags were invented with magnetic locks. Today, there are three main types of anti-theft systems for store, but the inventors do not stop there. At the same time, shoplifters are preparing a counterattack. So, detachers from the Bombastershop company and the specifics of working with anti-shoplifting tags. Official website of the developers

1. Detachers for 12000Gs
Such a detacher can remove most of the anti-shoplifting tags of a simple configuration, except for the SuperTag. It works with anti-shoplifting sensors in which the needle-locking mechanism has three or four balls, a cup with holes to hold the balls and a reinforced spring. All parts are made of magnetized metal. Only a special reinforced detacher with a specific configuration of magnets can open such a store anti-theft system.

2. Reinforced detacher for 16000Gs
This detacher works with the more reliable anti-theft and NeoTag tags. The needle-locking mechanism of this tag has three or four balls, an aluminum cup with holes to hold the balls, an aluminum cup for fixing the cup with balls, a reinforced spring, only the balls and the spring are magnetized. As for NeoTag, they also have additional locking systems for the main mechanism. To remove it, it is enough to use a special ring. Bombastershop gives it for free with the purchase of a detacher.

3. Unique detachers from Bombastershop!
This detacher is an invention of the developers and has an affordable price compared to the official counterparts. It works with anti-shoplifting systems listed above. But! It additionally works easily with DuralTag anti-shoplifting tags and Sensormatic InFuzion tags. There exist round matt tags with paint and a purple label “Warning”. They are quite rare, but this detacher became famous also for the fact that it easily has coped with them.

It is important to study the features of anti-shoplifting tags!
Any kind of anti-theft system has its own specifics. Therefore, the developers of the Bombastershop equipment made sure that the client learned to understand anti-theft systems and was able to distinguish one system from another. The official website provides detailed training videos and text descriptions for devices and their use. In addition, the client can always contact the developers directly and ask the necessary questions. Many answers to common questions can be found in the FAQ section of the site.

Detachers from Chinese sites
Bombastershop isn't the only store offering shoplifting devices. The biggest competitors, as well as mostly in other areas, are Chinese manufacturers. Professionals advise avoid using them as the internal magnets and assembly diagrams do not match the correct technology. If you have already decided on shoplifting, which was clearly not an easy decision, then at least you should be sure of the correct operation of the equipment. It is not a good idea to skimp on your safety.

Advantage over competitors
With Bombastershop devices, you get the guaranteed power of detachers made from the finest magnetic materials which are comfortable to use thanks to their optimal size. At personal search, it will not be difficult to hide the detacher. Moreover, the Bombastershop detachers are very stable. The pullers are assembled according to the original technology of the developers and can withstand drops on hard surfaces without losing power.
How to shoplift
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