AM or RF tags finder

Price: $250
you can choose AM or RF modification

disguise: PowerBank
search radius: 10-15 cm
working time: 90 minutes
indication: LED + vibration
compatible: AM 58kHz or RF 8,2MHz (optional)
failure warranty: 1 year

can be combined "2in1" but simultaneous operation is not possible!
cost of the "2in1" tags finder is $400

Easy-to-use device, turned on, found, removed tags.

When a tag is found, the device blinks with an LED and vibrates with different intensities.
The radius (depth) of the search is optimally selected so that the search area is intuitive, but sufficient for inspecting bulk items.
Just like most of our electronic devices, there is a protection against turning on - blocking.
AM STICKERS included free for home workouts.
PowerBank retains all options except wireless charging.

See also
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