UPD 08\04\2020
Here I will try to tell you about the specifics of detachers and anti-theft tags as well as their compatibility. Also I will give information about “marketing” and typical fraud of Chinese sellers.
When the business of anti-theft systems was emerged, the first anti-theft tags with locks of magnetic type were created. Later the capitalist system of business and marketing were inventing new ways to sell expensive anti-theft equipment to companies in order to justify their existence.
I will explain it further.
Why do I need detachers if I can buy a neodymium magnet 100,000KG thrust?
A neodymium magnet is a piece of material with evenly distributed magnetic field. I mean all the magnetic power of this piece is distributed to all 360 degrees:
Unlike an ordinary magnet, detacher has severely deformed magnetic field thanks to its magnetic features. And all the magnetic power of the detacher is collected in a thin magnetic axis, and acts directly on the LOCK of an anti-theft tag:
Thus it turns out that whichever power or size an ordinary neodymium magnet has, it has no use at all. Besides magnet with very high degree of thrust costs about the same.
Click on the video to see that the ordinary magnet can open the sensor of the first generation, but doesn’t work with just a enhanced lock:
(“It’s a glove to protect fingers in case the detacher will hook magnet”)
There is one nuance… magnets (not detachers) stick on any metal very easily and strongly, and, as to my experience, I’ve heard dozens of occasions when magnet stuck to something in a store and because of it people had problems. As for detachers, the situation is much simpler due to the point orientation of the magnetic field.
Let’s talk about marketing ploys of detacher sellers and about the Chinese sellers.:
There is a measure of magnetic capacity – the force of cohesion expressed in kilograms…
It can’t be applied to detachers at all.. because it is very difficult and technologically expensive to determine the degree of compression of the magnetic axis. In order to do this we should calculate the effective adhesion area between the detacher and the weight. Moreover we must calculate the ratio of materials. The result of this calculations is called Gausse(Gs).. Yes, it is a physical parameter. But it is extremely difficult to apply it mathematically. Therefore, all the measurements are standard: 12000, 15000, 6500.. In fact this is just marketing.
In our and in the manufacturers case it is Important… Can a magnet open the lock or NOT…
Here we come to the development of anti-theft tags. The tag or to put it more exactly, the Lock system of the tag is always invented first. And only after a new more powerful detacher is made. And there’s no some specific parameters, the main thing if it works.
All the manufacturers of modern detachers – the Europeans, who have all the patents. But the Chinese don’t pay attention to any patents as usual and rivet cheap fakes. And they were first who started to use the Gauss measure(Gs) in order to that any client would be able to distinguish identically looking devices from one another through this measure.
Anti-Advertising of ordinary detachers:
The fate of any illicit dealer leads them to desire to spend less and earn more. And since a detacher is something inside the metal frame, therefore a dealer becomes more miserlier dealer.. instead of acceptably adequate detacher from even weak N33 material, these dealers put any stuff which is within the reach of the hand. It may be just a piece of magnet, or for example something like this:
Another reason, there is no guarantee that you will not receive a detacher inside which the magnets are kept glued:

Well, the main reason that led me to everything that happened in my life since the invention of detacher No.1, compactness:

Types of Anti-Theft tags and Magnetic detachers:
Magnetic Detacher Keychain

I can’t call It a detacher, because inside it there is a simple cylindrical neodymium magnet with 15mm diameter and 25mm height. Accordingly, to call MAGNET - a detacher is not correct.
It works with the cheapest tags and with the cheapest locks. These sensors are used quite a lot. But all networks of shops gradually abandoned the use of non-amplified locks, because every pupil in that case will remove such magnet from water supply meter (or get it from the aquarium) and go to “hit” the shops. And such pupils are too much. So the use of weak tags were declined in Europe and the USA 10 years ago.
It is compatible with the tags of the First Generation in which the mechanism of the lock blocking the needle has:
- Three or Four balls
- Cup with holes for holding balls
- Easy-compressing Spring ...
- All parts are made of metal that can be magnetized.
- Cup with holes for holding balls
- Easy-compressing Spring ...
- All parts are made of metal that can be magnetized.
cheap shops, medium shops, any shops that still haven’t figured that they have time lag for 20 years. well, in the regions shops often do not care, because anti-theft companies in the regions have no knowledge at all in this field.

No. 1… Detacher with magnetic power similar to the Chinese pullers on 12000Gs. Ie the “standard enhanced”.
It’s possible to use it in 95% of the stores that don’t use SuperTag sensors. Can be unlocked ONLY with special enhanced detacher with a specific configuration of magnets. I MEAN there’s more magnets than one, magnetized in a special way and folded.
Detacher №1 is compatible with the tags of the second Generation in which the needle-lock mechanism has:
- Three or Four balls
- Cup with holes for holding balls
- STRENGTHENED SPRING ... tighter than standard (the only difference)
- All parts are made of metal that can be magnetized.
- Cup with holes for holding balls
- STRENGTHENED SPRING ... tighter than standard (the only difference)
- All parts are made of metal that can be magnetized.
Detachers №1 compatible with this generation of tags and all the tags of previous generations.
Chain stores… at the moment almost all the stores: Rebook, Nike and other sports.. Ostin, Zolla, and others… In general it can be applied in the most of the “branded” shops. Well, shops begin to use such sensors when they start to find unlocked tags in corners in a shop.
No. 2… Detachers with magnetic power similar to the Chinese pullers on 16000Gs.
Detacher №2 is compatible with third-generation tags in which the needle-lock mechanism has:
- Three or Four balls
- Aluminum Cup with holes for holding balls
- Aluminum Cup for fixing the cup with balls
- Aluminum Cup with holes for holding balls
- Aluminum Cup for fixing the cup with balls
- ONLY balls and SPRING are magnetized.
- an additional locking system for the main mechanism in NEOTAG type tags (special ring included with the detacher for free)
- ONLY balls and SPRING are magnetized.
- an additional locking system for the main mechanism in NEOTAG type tags (special ring included with the detacher for free)
detachers compatible with this generation of tags:
detachers №2 and №3
ONLY a special Hard-reinforced detachers with a specific magnet configuration.
This is a much more powerful reinforced detacher.
NEOTAG are not opened by any Chinese detachers other than the original or my production №2 and №3.
detachers №2 and №3
ONLY a special Hard-reinforced detachers with a specific magnet configuration.
This is a much more powerful reinforced detacher.
NEOTAG are not opened by any Chinese detachers other than the original or my production №2 and №3.
it’s not uncommon, chain stores: RESERVED, H&M and a couple of networks have not yet completely switched to these tags, but the process is ongoing.
NEOTAG are used in the entire network of ADIDAS stores in Russia, as well as in some REEBOK stores.
And since the company manufacturer of tags NEOTAG is a French company, these tags are often used in Europe.
№2 сan open sensors: NEOTAG, Checkpoint 3G HardTag, Bomba Hard and etc. hard lock type and all the tags of previous generations.
Detacher №3 20000Gs has no analogues except the official detachers that are not available for purchase.
The power indicated is symbolic 20000Gs, since it is virtually impossible to measure. This is a very subjective parameter.
Compatible with tags from all previous generations, as well as with tags from the latest generation in which the needle lock mechanism has:
- Three or Four balls
- Aluminum Cup with holes for holding balls
- Aluminum Cup for fixing the cup with balls
- hardened STRENGTHENED Spring ...
- ONLY balls are magnetized.
- an additional locking system for the main mechanism in NEOTAG type tags (special ring included with the detacher for free)
- Aluminum Cup with holes for holding balls
- Aluminum Cup for fixing the cup with balls
- hardened STRENGTHENED Spring ...
- ONLY balls are magnetized.
- an additional locking system for the main mechanism in NEOTAG type tags (special ring included with the detacher for free)
List of latest generation tags:
1) DuralTag tags. despite all the statements by this manufacturer that these tags can only be opened with an original detacher, which costs suppliers $ 400
2) rarely found round frosted tags with paint and the inscription purple “Warning” which were met by customers in Western Europe (Belgium, Great Britain)
3) NEOTAG tags. despite all the statements of this manufacturer that these tags can only be opened with an original detacher, which costs $ 300 from suppliers and is sold only with a large batch of expensive tags
4) 2019 new Sensormatic InFuzion tags
5) Square convex tags
6) Checkpoint large conical tags
2) rarely found round frosted tags with paint and the inscription purple “Warning” which were met by customers in Western Europe (Belgium, Great Britain)
3) NEOTAG tags. despite all the statements of this manufacturer that these tags can only be opened with an original detacher, which costs $ 300 from suppliers and is sold only with a large batch of expensive tags
4) 2019 new Sensormatic InFuzion tags
5) Square convex tags
6) Checkpoint large conical tags
4th generation tags are very expensive, and they need a very expensive detacher. To get a complete set is a big expense for the store.
DISTRIBUTION: Western Europe, rare. But as you can see, there are many of them and all of them are excellent protection from the Chinese counterparts of the original detachers.